Backtechnik Russia

Ausgabe 02/2015

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ab S. 1
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ab S. 3
Will we be seeing each other in Munich?
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ab S. 4
(Gregor Vogelpohl)
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Market + Industry
ab S. 5
Market + Industry
(Karsten Runge)
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Trade fair
ab S. 12
New ideas
Over 1200 exhibitors present the latest innovations, trends and technikcal developments.
(Gregor Vogelpohl)
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Production of the year
ab S. 22
Production of the year 2015
Backtechnik Europe honours Inter Europol as Production Company of the year 2015.
(Gregor Vogelpohl)
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ab S. 24
Team of specialists
On the basis of their special knowledge the management have established Inter Europol as a successful supplier of baked goods.
(Gregor Vogelpohl)
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Raw materials/Weighing
ab S. 32
Trust is good, control is better
Intelligent and safe product intake in industrial bakeries garantees consistent quality in the final baked goods.
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ab S. 34
Successful project realisation
At Sternenbäck in Hechingen Rondo designed and installed an industrial line for bread rolls and pastries.
(Gregor Vogelpohl)
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ab S. 38
Complete project
The Chilean company Latin American Foods ordered the planning and commissioning of the whole productin from Fritsch Bakery Systems.
(Gregor Vogelpohl)
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ab S. 42
Success in Russia
Grain Holding is an extremely successful producer of Kaiser rolls on the Russian market - produced on Koengi systems.
(Gregor Vogelpohl)
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ab S. 48
Automated packaging line
Instead of manually filling boxes with baguertes Derkenne Couline has implemented a fully automated packaging line from Niverplast.
(Gregor Vogelpohl)
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