Cereal Technology

Ausgabe 03/2022

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ab S. 2
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ab S. 3
(Prof. Dr. M. Hikmet Boyacioglu)
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Peer Review
ab S. 4
Effectiveness of perforation methods for wheat kernels
Wheat is an important staple food worldwide, but often contaminated with moulds, which in specific cases, form toxic mycotoxins as secondary metabolites.
(Luca Stäheli, Mathias Kinner, Nadina Müller)
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Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
ab S. 16
Potential of upcycled side-streams
The utilization of nutritious side streams from food industry for human consumption – the so-called “upcycling” – is desirable to introduce healthy and sustainable food products into the market.
(Sandra Ebert, Lisa Berger, Pascal Moll)
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ab S. 24
Modeling a traceability system for the wheat supply chain
Traceability events involved in any grain supply chain includes storage, handling, transformation, and movement within and across multiple supply chain participants. Traceability events includes both internal and external operations in a supply chain.
(Richa Sharma, Charles Hurburgh, Jennifer Robinson)
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ab S. 30
Milchsäurebakterien: Nutzung als Starterkultur und Synthese-Organismus
Milchsäurebakterien (MSB) werden seit jeher mit der Fermentierung von Lebensmitteln und deren Konservierung in Verbindung gebracht (Pasteur: 1856) und sind heute eindeutig die wichtigste Gruppe industrieller Mikroorganismen.
(Klaus Lösche)
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ab S. 50
Future challenges for cereal science and technology
The 20th ICC conference was conducted as hybrid conference with around 50 online participants and a conference app that incorporated also virtual posters and a chat option.
(Viktoria Zettel)
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ab S. 52
Forschung zu glutenfreien Backwaren
Am 19. Mai 2022 fand das GDL-Fachwebinar – Glutenfreie Backwaren statt. Es begann mit dem Beitrag „Ohmsche Erhitzung beim Backen von glutenfreien Backwaren“ von Dr. Maximilian Gratz.
(Viktoria Zettel)
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ab S. 56
Wheat on the world market: price reduction foreseeable
Grain prices have continued their fall between July and August, although values declined less sharply than in June. The signing of the UN/Turkish-led agreement between Russia and Ukraine on resuming Ukrainian exports contributed to the recent price slide.
(Benoit Fayaud)
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ab S. 58
Connecting U.S. Wheat Growers and Customers Worldwide
Wheat Marketing Center (WMC) was created as an independent non-profit research and educational entity to demonstrate the value of wheat quality and to document the relationship between wheat quality and the quality of the many end products produced with w
(Mike Moran)
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ab S. 62
Markt/ Entwicklungen/ Technologien
AIBI reinforces its board, Farbstoffgewinnung aus Pilzen, VGMS-Symposium: Ernährung der Zukunft, Stuttgart und Wittingen: 67 Müller ausgebildet
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ab S. 64
Cereal & Grain Sciences Congress, Conference, Symposium, Expo Calendar
(Prof. Dr. M. Hikmet Boyacioglu)
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ab S. 67
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