Cereal Technology

Ausgabe 03/2023

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ab S. 2
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ab S. 3
(Prof. Dr. M. Hikmet Boyacioglu)
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Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
ab S. 4
Gefrieren von Teig: Wissensstand, Innovationen, technologischer Wandel – Teil 2
Der Begriff Glaszustand ist erst in den späten neunziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts im Backbereich aufgekommen.
(Klaus Lösche)
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ab S. 18
Application of lean principles for traceability in the grain supply chain
The grain supply chain is a complex network of various stakeholders, processes, and process-related information.
(Richa Sharma, Eeshan Kumar)
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ab S. 23
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ab S. 24
Forschen, netzwerken und O’zapft is!
Die 11. Frühjahrstagung des Weihenstephaner Instituts für Getreideforschung (WIG) fand in diesem Jahr in Freising statt.
(Viktoria Zettel)
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ab S. 26
An Ancient Grain for Health
Kamut is a trademark that is used to introduce and market organically grown ancient khorasan wheat to the world.
(Bob Quinn)
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ab S. 34
Cool Facts about Enzymes
Scientists are still puzzling over whether nucleic acids or amino acids gave rise to life on earth by forming RNA strands or enzymes.
(Lutz Popper)
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ab S. 36
Ensuring safe and secure agri-raw materials supplies
Coceral is the European association of trade in cereals, oilseeds, rice, pulses, animal feed, olive oil, oils and fats, and agro-supply.
(Gianluca Nurra)
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ab S. 40
Connecting the Global Marketplace
The Northern Crops Institute (NCI) started in 1981 as a collaborative effort.
(David Boehm)
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ab S. 44
Markt / Entwicklungen / Technologien
Fi Europe 2023: Die Welt der Inhaltsstoffe zu Gast in Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Katharina Scherf in den Brot-Senat aufgenommen
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ab S. 48
Cereal & Grain Sciences Congress, Conference, Symposium, Expo Calendar
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ab S. 51
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